5 More. Going once, going twice…..

5 PAX arrived at 0600 for a 5.5-6 mile warm-up run. 




-Mosey to the rock pile and bring the block back to the far end of the parking lot. Exercises were done on each end (5 more style) followed by a mosey to the other end of the parking lot. Exercises included:


  *Plank Jacks

  *Skull Crushers

  *Hand Release Merkins

  *Block Squats


  *Bent Rows


  *Overhead Press with Block

  *Power Jumps


-FNG-1 was flip

-FNG-2 was mario

-5 more style was changed this time so that certain unnamed PAX couldn’t derail the workout again. Any PAX was able to say 5 more not just one. Worked too well.

-There were some extra grumpy PAX this morning.

-A certain PAX and his half squats came into question. He was worried he would hurt something if he went any further down. Turns out it was his Hyman he was worried about hurting. LOL

-Nice to see 16 PAX. Solid.

-Apparently, I have a reputation of making PAX run with blocks. Who knew?

-That pre run might have been the hilliest run I have down in 6 months. Ouch. Thanks for the push.

-Too much good mumble chatter to list here. You should have been there.