5 Strong Runners at HalfLife

Event Date

Apr 04, 2018

FNG-1 is actually "Archie", visiting from F3 Knoxville and a friend of Creeper.

Below is "roughly" what happened at HalfLife today.

04xx:  Garcia runs from his house.

0500:  Creeper, Garcia, and Archie set off on what looks to be 6.5 miles in total.  YHC joined for the first 1.25 miles then circled back in case there were any joiners at 0530.

0532:  YHC set off solo on a workout stolen from Kumquat.  It was hill repeats on Bailey Springs, Bailey Road, and Hough H.S.

Must've just missed Dallas, who ran 4.1 miles solo as well.


  1. YHC didn't do a good job selling HalfLife in any of the various run channels.  Just an old fashioned #PB on Twitter.
  2. Good to meet Archie today.  Hope you weren't pressed into some crazy pace by Creeper and / or Garcia!
  3. Dallas and YHC chatted briefly.  The P200 Hangover is very real.  This was, shamefully, YHC's first F3 workout in the past week and a half.  In fact…
  4. …thank you Honey Bee for the opportunity to lead.  Without having secured that…there is a decent chance YHC would have FS'd yet again.
  5. Always good to know that, even though YHC and Dallas mostly ran alone…there were other PAX out there.  Our friends are never too far away, aye!