5 x 9 = 45 minutes of work at Fallout

FNG-1 = SnapOn.  FNG-2 = Chopper.  26-Oct Note:  No, it's "Choppa"!  Also SnapOn was recently added, apparently, so I've added both to the backblast.

Today at Fallout we attempted to deliver a balanced, full body workout.  We split the workout into 5 segments of 9 minutes.  Here is roughly what went down:

0500:  2.37 mile Run Standard with 9 Lives, Dirt, Hall Monitor, Turncoat, and YHC, while TBone did some solo rucking.

Segment 1:  Proper WARM-O-RAMA from 0530 to 0539:

Mosey around the parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, Quadraphilia, and side shuffle left and right.  Circle up at the bottom of the parking lot near the rock pile.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC


  • Little baby arm circles (LBAC) forward x 15 IC (and keep arms at 90 degrees until told otherwise)
  • Overhead claps x 15 IC
  • Dirty Bird x 15 IC (downward claps)
  • Air presses x 15 IC
  • LBAC backwards x 15 IC, arms down

Segment 2:  Upper Body from 0539 to 0548:

  • Grab a rock and carry it to the front of the bathroom building
  • Overhead shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Balls to the Wall for ~1 minute
  • Skull Crushers x 10 IC
  • Dips on benches x 10 IC
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Leave rocks for later, hustle to pull up bars for:
  • Pull-ups x 10 OYO
  • Mericans x 10 IC

Segment 3:  Cardio from 0548 to 0557:

  • Fast lap around the track
  • Mountain Climbers x 35 IC
  • 15 burpees OYO.  Hustle over to benches for:
  • Jump ups x 20 OYO
  • Invisible jump rope in place until 9 minutes was up.

Segment 4:  Legs from 0557 to 0606:

  • Slow deep block squats x 15 IC
  • Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
  • Slow calf raises with blocks x 10 IC
  • Step ups on benches with rocks x 10 each leg OYO
  • Fast lap around the track…backwards
  • Quadraphilia to the top of the hill

Segment 5:  Abs from 0606 to 0615:

We tried to mix in some lesser used exercises to engage different parts of our cores.

  • Partner Leg Throw Downs x 15 each
  • Plank walk down hill
  • Box Cutters x 15 IC
  • Mason Twists x 15 IC
  • 1 min Plank, right / left arm up.  HOLD for: 
  • JLOs x 15 IC 

Recover, recover.


  1. After what might generously be called a "scattered" workout, we prayed for the Lord to let us slow down and appreciate each other, and to carry the momemtum from today throughout our week.
  2. Could not have known Hall Monitor was that fast!  And the dude has an extra gear running backwards.
  3. Some first timers at Fallout today:  Turncoat and Choppa.  Outstanding work, and hope to see you here again.  Both are also very fast.
  4. Great to see 66 rucking again.  Injuries can't stop this guy.  TClaps to TBone for keeping him company.
  5. Like to see young guys like Snap On and Estee Lauder out there.  You guys crushed it.  Keep EHing fellas, new and fresh ideas are needed.  Also, Snap On has a bad-a## sounding car.  Calypso, having sold his Nissan 300 ZX, might be jealous when he sees (and hears) it.
  6. Thor, recently married, shows no signs of slowing down.  Awesome work today.
  7. Strong work by Dirt and Lawn Dart today.  One complained mumble chattered more than the other, I'll let you guess who.
  8. Hasselhoff, did you recently turn 51??  Beast.  You and IKEA are in the "Area 51" club and both inspire young guys to keep working hard.
  9. 9 Lives, you are my boy.  He does everything:  Standard route planner, Disclaimer quality checker, time keeper, Q bad habit cleaner-upper.  Did catch him slacking on the plank though, and laughed when he said "Don't look at me with your judging eyes" ha !
  10. Thank you TBone for the opportunity to lead, always fun at Fallout.

Great work everyone, Turnpike.