5 Years of The Sweatshop

Not registered on the website, we are talking about the PRoD so this is to be expected: Samsung, Stalker, Harassment, Panda, STP, Pudd'n

What started as a simple workout to introduce guys to F3 or help those that were returning from injury has grown into a full-blown workout that rivals the morning beatdowns in intensity. It was started by Crude and P'Diddy, then turned over to Holiday and YHC, after that it has been Tiny, Grouch, Zamboni, and Hipster who have put in the work to keep The Sweatshop not only alive but a growing workout. T-Claps to all involved.

Crude started us off, then P'Diddy took us to the pull up bars (no surprise there), then YHC led the group to DUMC for some brick work, followed by Tiny with his infamous paver routine, then Zamboni with his Shake-an-Exercise (aka Shake Weight) contraption, then Grouch had us running up and down Goodrum St. before closing out with some Crude yoga.


  • I remember when we'd be thrilled if more than 5 guys posted, now it's disappointing when the pax don't number double digits.
  • I had a few guys thank us last night for starting The Sweatshop and keeping it going. This is F3 at its finest, not only leaving no man behind but not leaving him where we found him
  • Here's to another 5 years!

