
Event Date

Apr 27, 2017


The rest of the PAX in spirit – Missed you…

Beautiful morning to sweat:


SSH – 50IC

Cotton Pickers – 10IC

Mountain Climbers – 50IC

Windmills – 10IC

Imperial Storm Troopers – 25IC to Toy Soldiers – 25IC

Copperhead Merkins – 25IC

LBH Mosey, head to the back

The Thang:

Meat Grinder – Round 1, pair up:

Pull-Ups – 15
Little Baby Dips – 25
Knee Raises – 20
Block Curls for Girls – 30

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot @ the top

WW1 Sit-Ups – 30, mosey to the back

Meat Grinder – Round 2, pair up:

Pull-Ups – 15
Little Baby Dips – 25
Knee Raises – 20
Block Curls for Girls – 30

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot @ the top

WW1 Sit-Ups – 30, mosey to the back

Meat Grinder – Round 3, pair up:

Pull-Ups – 15
Little Baby Dips – 25
Knee Raises – 20
Block Curls for Girls – 30

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot @ the top

WW1 Sit-Ups – 30, mosey to the parking lot


Jane Fonda – 50IC Right

Jane Fonda – 50IC Left

LBC – 30IC

Low Fludder, Abrams style – 20IC

Dolly Partons – 20IC


3 sets of 30 – 50 Merkins @ least every other day: Stop, drop, Merk!


A Living Sacrifice

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1?-?2 ESV

We worked the body today… The mind & spirit is up to you…


– I do like the number 50…

– Sorry you had to watch me finish the Jane Fondas on my own!

– Pull-Ups are always a crowd pleaser, I despise them!

– I froze this morning!

Nice efforts boys!

My Best, Dandelion