50 (Fitty) is a great way to start the day

Event Date

May 12, 2023


5 Pax were present at #Emmaus this morning. YHC just woke up in a 50 kind of mood (again). Here’s what went down:


Mosey to the bottom of the hill for Warmarama on Steroids (IC):

-Side Straddle Hops x50 (100)

-Imperial Storm Troopers x50 (100)

-Toy Soldiers x50 (100)

Circuit 1:

-50 LBC’s OYO

Run the hill and back

-50 ‘Mericans OYO

Run the hill and back

-50 squats OYO

Run the hill and back

-50 WWII’s OYO

Run the hill

Mosey from the hill, past _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ (just for Crocs), and to the movie parking lot

Circuit 2 (IC):

-Rocky Balboa/Muhammad Ali x50 (IC 100)

-Praying Mantis x50 (IC 100)

-Calf Raises x50 (IC 100)

-B2W (hold for 50 seconds)

Mosey the square in front of movie marquee

Circuit 3 (IC):

-Glute bridge extension thrusters x50 (100)

-Cook-lift hips thrusters x25 each leg for 50 (100)

-Suzanne Somers x25 each leg for 50 (IC 100)

-Mobility Moment

Mosey back to base

Recover, Recover


1,100 reps, hill runs, mosey, and extended B2W hold is a great way to start the weekend. The Pax didn’t seem to like YHC’s 50 theme at first, but they came around to the notion that it was only him caring for their well-being and physical stamina. The gloom was filled with good mumble-chatter and “That’s what she said” moments. We discussed online platforms that make money, Camelback’s hair options (and socks), Red October being “amphibious”, Jedi prepping for his nine-miler tomorrow (and his shin issues), and Croc’s kids modeling their father’s authenticity (and stubbornness). We said hello to the 4-Banger Pax as they did their drive by. 4-Banger, The General, and Emmaus all converged for Coffeeteria after the beat downs concluded. Thanks for lending me the keys to the AO this morning Crocs. It was great to start the gloom with my F3 brothers.



-Mothers-thankful for our wives, our moms, and those who may no longer be with us. Take time to REALLY say thanks to them this weekend.

-Jedi-Q1 results. Hoping Q2 improves. Pray for wisdom and peace. Speaking of which, Jedi has helped so many Pax find their path, but there are many Pax who can benefit from him who may not know what the does. Jedi helped forever change my approach to life and work. I hope you will give him a shout too: https://ryandmckinney.com . Trust me, you’ll be glad you did. 

-Continued prayers for Red October and family with the recent passing of his father.

-Toby-This weekend will be the one year mark since losing my father.

-Remember those Pax who have caregiving and/or health issues with aging parents.

-Unspoken prayer requests among F3.

-5/15-5/16 Join us to demo a old deck and build a new ramp/walkway in Statesville for Mr McAllister who served our country. Looking for 10 men on each day. Contact @GnarlyGoat to get on board! A grant from @thef3foundation made this possible. Hear from Mr. McAllister here: https://twitter.com/phhtweet/status/1645483720328060940?s=46&t=I9zoJ4_Qk_zDunXzHxIGaA

-8/25-8/27-F3 Dads camp registration open 2023 F3 LKN Dads Camp | F3 Isotope

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, etc.)