
36 pax posted on 6/1/2021 for some birthday fun with YHC and DriveThru joined for the COT and Coffee (can you do that?). As promised in the pre-preblast, we did a half century of some exercises. Here's how the morning unfolded…

warm-up lap around the parking lot, warm-o-rama exercises, including 18 burpees mixed in for good measure, and i was definitely measuring

mosey to the baseball field parking lot for 50 modified SheHateMe. 5 sets (10 reps per set) with jog from point to point around the lot until the circle was completed with 5 stations. 10 squats, 10 groiners, 10 push-ups was 1 set. Yes, it's kinda like a burpee by another name. Outlaw knows, he was there.

mosey to the picnic shelter for plank clock with hip dips, toe-taps, and dive bomber push-ups at 3, 6, 9, and 12 o'clock around the dial. 2 more burpees and some ab exercises before we moseyed to the tennis courts…

…where most of the pax completed a Jacob's ladder… up to 7 burpees with a long run in between sets for a total of 28 burpees. Mosey back to the launch point for Tippy birds, some ab exercises, and 2 more burpees. If you're counting along at home, and I was, that was 50 official burpees.


  1. 1st of all, thanks to Turnpike who asked me 6 weeks ago what I was doing for my birthday Q. If not for your EH, I wouldn't have Q'ed this workout and Outlaw would still like me.
  2. Thanks to the Master Qs that converged for this workout. I was not expecting to see so many people. Although I have to say, y'all don't seem as old now as you did when I was in my 40s (i.e. yesterday). Just 1 day can change a man's perspective.
  3. Thanks to Toxic for providing the walker, knowing full well that I would need it to get out of my desk chair later in the day.
  4. Swing State and Ludi, long-lost brothers, finally rekindled their relationship. No really, check out the picture on Twitter! The likeness is uncanny.
  5. A GREAT group joined for coffeeteria. Actually, that may be exaggerated. Let's say a LARGE group and 2 pax who joined us from GCC's Blender, including Flo.
  6. Some Kotters were present, including Springfield, M-16 (nursing a knee), DriveThru, Mugatu (welcome to F3LKN), and Ludi. Welcome back. Don't stay away so long!
  7. Thanks for being the first to sing Happy Birthday to this man on his 50th. Turning 50 is not so bad with y'all around me and leading the way…yes, many of you are MUCH older.

Pax Tibi, Moses