50 Seconds is AMRAP for Some, Warm-up for Others

9x of LKN's Finest and YHC came out to the Cauldron to see what they could accomplish in 50 seconds.  Some were able to do AMRAP in under 50 sec, and some were just warming up.  

YHC arrived at 0529 and promptly marched the merry band of men on up to the top floor of the parking deck.  


At this point, Blackbeard put his hands in his pockets and realized his shorts were on backwards.  Thankfully, he didn't correct the issue and just let it ride.  *hammertime*

10x IC Windmill, Dwight Shroots, IST, Toy Sailor/Soldier.  

At this point, Blackbeard made a snarky remark (shocker)  *surprised* about if the Bluetooth speaker worked.  

The Thang

First of all started up the music and the circuit timing app. 

Each excercise was done for 50 seconds with a 15 second rest period in between.   None of the excercises were repeated, so the goal was to max out and get the best form and most reps as possible in 50 seconds.   The order went something like this:

Kettle Bell Swing – an UM favorite

The Halo

High Curl

Sling Blade, Left Arm

Sling Blade, Right Arm

Lawn Mower, switch arms at halfway

Skull Krusher

Reverse Lunge

Overhead Press

Upright Row

Low Curl

Jerk and Press, right arm 

Jerk and Press, left arm

Bent Over Row, the BRO, or Man Zier

The Squat, w/Bell

Forward Lunge, w/Bell

The Traveler or Suitcase Pickup

Chest Press

The Hot Potatoe – Goat commented that it was suprisingly challenging

The Figure Eight

Around the World

The Danger Zone – a TopGun exclusive!

The Full Curl

Side Lunge w/Bell, unless you are Blackbeard and do some squats without the bell

WW2 with the Bell

Mason Twist 


10x IC Low Flutter and 15x IC Low Dolly

25x Suzanne Summers, each leg for a total of FIFTY!

10x IC Rosalita and 15x IC Touch Them Hells 

10x IC J Lo, or Shakira, whatever you favor

Finished up with some sit and reach, Cobbler, and Low Pidgeons. 

Forward fold, reverse swan dive up, on your toes, breath out the toxics

Recover Recover 

The Moleskin

YHC had labelled the name of each excercise in the app, and the Alexa voiced program said whatever I had typed in there.  Some of it was funny, some of it was not, you have to S2K.  

Mumble Chatter was of Epic proportions today.  YHC couldn't begin to comment on it all, it was non-stop.  

Coffeteria that followed at Main St. was awesome, until Amen ran us out of there.  

Come out to The Might Jungle in the AM for Day 5 of Five for 50, and we'll kick off the Labor Day weekend right. 

TG sends,
