50 Year-Old Virgin

With low expectations and disclaimer on performance, my VQ resulted in no injuries and just a little emotional scaring.   Like the “other” first time, I generated a feeling of disappointment as evidenced by no one lighting up a cigarette during the COT.

According to Planned Parenthood, I should have used protection, gone slowly, stretched before-hand, and possibly even used lubrication.  They also warn that you should stop if it hurts too much.  I failed on all accounts.   At least I didn’t finish prematurely.

The Thang: 11 runners bravely followed, then quickly passed me for an ~5-mile Out and Back to the Mickey D’s on Brawley School Road.  4 ruckers wisely stayed clear and did their own thang.

COT, Prayer then light-headed drive home. 

Runners: Six Shooter, Porker, Nymph, Hurdle, Chicken Little, Loveshack, Goodell, Crack, Rent-A-Cop, Banana Peel, Deadpool

Ruckers: Totebag, Comet, Pierogi, Mailman

Thanks to all that participated in my deflowering (jeez, never thought I’d say that).
