50 Years of Life/50 Fitness Challenge

Well better late than never they use to say but I’m sure I’ll get much expected grief on the timing of this BB!!  Were only over a week late.  In my old age things tend to slow down and that’s exactly what I’m doing.  Going slow about this process…  Besides nobody cares about these, they just want their name mentioned to get the credit. Haha..  So here we go…

May 1st (May2nd AO Day) was the day I waited a half of century for.  My Big 50!!  It went well until Crocs sent a tweet out to all of Isotope to inform everybody of my 50th…  Luckly only 19 showed instead of all of Isotope, which turned out great for this fine morning. Some overachievers and wanted to get some extra credit, and do the standard, little did they know we were going to get in our fair share of running.  Amen, Ponch and ??, Frontier?  This is what happens when you wait 10 days after the Q to write a back blast.  We forget names and events.  Although I do want to thank Amen for blowing up my warm up circle with his flagellants.  Good timing Amen, it really woke us up!! 


  • 50 SSH
  • 25 Windmills
  • 25 Long snappers

Thanks to Amen for clearing out one side of the circle to pass on his toxic gas

5 loops around the LFC Parking lot stopping at each Station and performing each

5 stations –

  1. Station 1 Burpees
  2. Station 2 Jackknife LBCs
  3. Station 3 Merkins
  4. Station 4 J-Lows
  5. Station 5 Hip Dips

Circle up –

  • 25 WW2 Sit-ups
  • 25 Suzanne Summers
  • Downward dog
  • Upward Dog
  • Left Pigeon
  • Right Pigeon

Moved locations to form COT, at this point Amen took over and got very excited to call an exercise at which he took us over the 45 minute mark…  And then with prayers and announcements Pounch took us out with a stellar prayer.

Thanks for everyone that showed me some love on my 50th and the wishes over the week.. You all ROCK!! 

Since nobody will read this well maybe Blackbeard will but also since I can’t remember everything that happen on this day, I’m going to end it right now!! 

Peace out, Lawn dart OUT!!