#50ForFitness – January 2022 Edition

A few years back, FiA LKN came up with the crazy idea to do 50 burpees/day for 30 days.  Started a few days into Jan, ended a few days into Feb.  For whatever reason, this intrugued YHC, so I did it along with the M every awful day.  Even more inexplicably, it sounded like a good idea just a few years later while at Coffeteria with a few pax.  We tossed the idea around, the coffee kicked in and went to our heads, and it became a thing.  50 burpees a day in January.

But would that be enough?  Of course not.  This could be a year-long CSAUP event with a new exercise of 50 reps each month of 2022.  At the end of the year, the pax who participated could look back and make the claim, "I exercised every day in 2022 – starting with 1,550 burpees in January."

So we left coffeteria with the idea we were somehow confident in at the time.  This was early December.  By mid"ish" December, these pax and YHC were still talking about it, but admitedly YHC thought it would fizzle out, and certainly not all of these few pax would stick with it (if they even started it on Jan 1), and no way would it sound like a good idea to anyone else in a preblast.

Well…  YHC was WRONG.  The PB went out, the pax appeared intrigued, entertained and agitated all at the same time.  Some pax HC'ed right away, some asked clarifying questions, some said "#$%& NO" and I think some pax may have blocked me on Twitter.  

Then Jan 1 happened.  Pax from all over started doing burpees and posting about it.  It was terrible.  Horrific.  Exhausting and beautiful.  Would anyone do them a second day in a row and hit 100?

Yes.  The tweets kept rolling in.  Then with videos.  Then with videos of burpees in the snow.  Then some half-nekked videos of burpees in the snow.

As the days and weeks went by, YHC saw more and more pax stepping up to the challenge.  Some asked if they could join late and catch up – meaning a hundred burpees for some and literally hundreds for others.  But the pax did them.  YHC was amazed.  Impressed.  Shocked and dumbfounded.  Hated and at times threatened.  The days and weeks continued.

YHC would receive late night texts, tweets and DMs from pax about needing to catch up "tomorrow".  Those pax were gently encouraged to get out of bed, put the beer or bourbon down, driink a glass of water, turn off the movie, put their big-boy pants on or whatever the case may have been…  Most responded appropriately.

When Mon, Jan 31 came around, approx 30 (TBD) pax completed 50 more burpees to get to 1,550 for the month.  Tremendous and YHC is humbled that so many pax would join me for this challenge.

If you are on this list and shouldn't be, let me know (reply here, DM me, whatever).  Same goes if you're missing from this list but completed your 1,550 burpees or know someone who did but who isn't on this list.

PS.  Estwing's bro-in-law is FNG-1.  Lives in OH and they would FT each other daily to hold one another accountable as they pushed through.  That's freaking awesome.

So this is the backblast for the January edition of what we will call #50ForFitness.  

Beginning today, the pax should have begun 50 Jackknife LBCs each leg (yes that's 100, but divisible by 50 and the committee met and approved it).

Yes, there is a committee.

Exercise of some kind of 50 sumthin' for the next month will be announced after approved by the committee and shared via Twitter preblast on the 20th of each month.  You're gonna love March.  It has a unique twist…

That's it for now.  The Force is OUT.

