Great morning soaking up the humidity in Davidson.  More than 30 extremely committed men picking their poison – enjoying the Regular Beat Down, the BBR Training and the Pain Lab; with everyone converging for COT.   Additonal PAX inlcuded WMD, Cinderella, Methane, Whirlie, LB, and FNG now known as Vegemite.  Sorry for those that I missed – the Q let you down!

51 was the special # for the Beat Down this morning.

Within various ladders (some while holding/running with bricks) we knocked out many exercises including:

  • 51 SSH's
  • 51 Burpees
  • 51 Merkins
  • 51 Carolina Dry Docks,
  • 51 Dips
  • 51 squats
  • 102 LBC's – it is bikini season


  • Welcome to F3 Vegemite
  • Always fun when LB is in town
  • We had a Kotter – Welcome back Ezekiel.  We've missed you brother!
  • Chim Chim decided to run 6 + miles to the beat down.  Gave him a ride home and after dropping him off…….had to use costco size cointainer of disinfecting wipes on passenger seat

My brothers – a special thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes.  You push me everyday and keep me committed – I am eternally grateful.