51 Weeks Young

As the school children fartsacked for yet another snow day, and the melting process continued gently around Race City, five bookbag toting standard bearers emerged into the gloom to patrol the streets of our hometown.  Six more arrived ready to battle the slippery AO with their own heavy items.  YHC, having recovered from a couple of spills during the previous day's Murph, began today hoarse as a bullfrog, but that didn't put a damper on the festivities of the day.  As Dolittle was testing out his 4WD by driving up on an 8 inch ice clump to impress the motorheads of the group, so the battle began:

COP (all in customary four count cadence)

  • SSH X25
  • IST X15
  • Windmill X10
  • Toy Soldier X10
  • Curls (with kettlebell) X12
  • Overhead Press X12
  • Skull Crusher X12
  • Halo X12

Farmer carry your bell through the lot to Bella Lago (in case you haven't noticed, this is one of YHC's favorite spots to deliver a Bell beatdown because of the name of the place, the bright lighting, the equally spaced light posts, the dry pavement, I could go on all day)


Perform two exercises OYO, starting with 15 each and decreasing by 2 each time.

  • Kettle Bell swings
  • Squat Thrusts (a merkinless burpee)
    • 15
    • 13
    • 11
    • 9
    • 7
    • 5
    • 3
    • 1
    • 15
  • that's right, we threw in another 15 at the end – a nice cardio burning thangorama.  The doctors in the group were offering free doses of nitro glycerin


  • Start with one upright row, run to other light post and do 10 goblet squats
  • Increase/decrease by one each time, carrying your bell in between

ELEVENS (version 2)

  • One Curl
  • 10 LBCs
  • Increase/decrease

Lungewalk half way back to snow covered awning.  Audible to avoid ice, finish with farmer carry


  • only had time for some unknown number of Low Flutters.  Lots of mumble chatter, cuddling, and spooning going on.  Not that kind of group – just men who enjoy each other's company, ostensibly.



  • February 2nd, Groundhog day, is the one year anniversay of #THEROCK.  Let's get the whole PAX out for big workout and Coffeeteria.  If you'd like to Q, let LW know.
  • Congrats to Tick Tock on his VQ last week.  Looking forward to many more brother.
  • Kotters to Nymph and Dolittle – I know you've probably been back for a while, but this was my first opportunity to say welcome back!
  • Ruckers ruck.  That's just a fact.  The also poop a lot, so I'm told.  It's a healthy activity both inside and out.
  • Honeymoon didn't make it out today – maybe for the best because his fumes yesterday were worse than Manhands on his worst day.
  • Sign up and run the Polar Bear.  See Pierogi for details.
  • Always an honor.  Thank you gentlemen for bringing out the best in each other.