5:15 AES: Four guys worked out outside in Davidson this morning

Event Date

Feb 12, 2019


Four pax assembled at the Town Green at 5:15am for the Davidson AES.

Run to DUMC for warm-up: SSH, Squat, Merkins, Mtn Climb, Alt Lunge, Imperial Walker, Alts Side Lunge, Run once up  the steps and around the church lot.

Ladder: Jump Squat/Burpee-no pushup  (in Cadence): 10/10, 8/8, 6/6, 4/4, 2/2 – Run Lap

Ladder: Curl/ Skull Crusher/ Block Merkin/Burpee Block Jump Over (In Cadence): 12/12/12/12, 9/9/9/9, 6/6/6/6, 3/3/3/3 – run lap

Filler Exercises while we wait for Spanarket to return from his visit to yellow house! Paver Squats, Bulgarian Squats, Quick Steps on Block – put 'em up

Run to Pullup Bars for 3 rounds – 12 Pullups, 12 Merkins on pavement, 24 dips on tables, run back to bars

Return to Green for Mary – LBCs, HTH, Low Flotter, Rosalita, Freddy Mercury

Recover, Recover

Moleskin – As Spanarkel said, this was a traditional bootcamp workout – no frills, just hard work for a small group on a rainy morning!

Spaulding joined us and I am not sure if I got his name wrong or gave the wrong guy credit above (Spauldini?).

Stout lives up to his name every day!

The yellow house was full this morning with guys laying around on the floor.  Meanwhile I did not see many cars for the 5:30?!  That indoor stretching during the rain is really catching on I guess.

We closed out with a prayer for the family of David Melin aka Schneider.

