21 PAX gathered for a tour of Birkdale this morning as the latest version of Hollywood was unveiled. Everyone’s phones said it was 52 degrees…Shoe did not agree with that assessment. We warmed up quickly, though:


We moseyed from the fountain to the end of Townley Rd., with some karaoke in between, where we circled up:

  • SSH x 20 (IC)
  • IST x 15 (IC)
  • Windmill x 10 (IC)
  • Mountain Climbers x 10 (IC)
  • Cotton Pickers x 10 (IC)

The Thang:

We moseyed to the other side of the theater and grabbed some curb:

  • Muhamad Ali’s x 20 (IC)
  • Run to other end of the parking lot for incline merkins on the opposite curb x 10 (IC)
  • Run back for Muhamad Ali’s…Repeato (decline merkins, left hand on curb merkins, and right hand on curb merkins)

On to the fountain where we completed a “triangle” of sorts:

  • 20 dips at the fountain
  • 10 jump squats at Bad Daddy’s Burgers
  • 20 monkey humbers at Corkscrew
  • Return to the fountain
  • Repeato x 2

Mosey to the parking garage by Dick’s and partner up:

  • P1:
    • Crab walk half way up the ramp
    • 10 carolina dry docks
    • Bear crawl the last half of the ramp
    • 5 burpees at the top
    • Run down
  • P2:
    • People’s Chair
  • Flip Flop
  • Repeato
  • Mactar Jai x 15 (IC)
  • P1:
    • Quadraphelia half way up the ramp
    • 5 carolina dry docks
    • Quadraphelia the last half of the ramp
    • 2 burpees at the top
    • Run down
  • P2:
    • Balls to the wall
  • Flip Flop

Mosey into the adjacent parking garage:

  • 20 LBCs – OYO
  • Run to other end of parking garage
  • 15 LBCs – OYO
  • Repeato counting down by 5 until we hit 0
  • Shoulder Touch Merkins x 10 (IC)

Mosey back to the fountain.


  • The W x 20 (IC)
  • Rosalita x 20 (IC)
  • Low Flutter x 20 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge


  • As usual, a solid turnout from the PAX at Hollywood. For my money, I think it’s one of the best AOs out there.
  • I didn’t hear much mumble chatter but I was wearing a hat so I could’ve missed it – it wasn’t 52 degrees, right Shoe?
    • Though I didn’t get the sense the PAX were thrilled with a Balls to the Wall session toward the end. Is that my imagination?
  • During Muhamad Ali’s I had Hippie to my right and Geek to my left. If either of you were wondering, yes, I almost bit in and fell on the last set. Thanks for not saying anything!
  • Everyone worked their tails off today – I hope you got out of it what you were looking for.
  • As always, thanks to Hippie for the opportunity to lead today. I enjoyed every second of the planning and execution. F3 has meant something completely different to me now that I’m Q-ing on a regular basis…thanks, again, to Hippie for nudging me in this direction.
  • Finally, many prayers sent up for Macbeth and his entire family.