Another Christmas time has comeupon us which meas a long 5 days in the kitchen making over 5400 cookies.  What started out as an outlet to rid myself of the miscellaneous "extra" cookies that were not plated up for neighbors/friends, has turned into having to make extra batches to satisfy the cookie hunger that arises  in the pax this time of year.

I look forward to my baking time each year, as do those that receive the goodies.  The delivery list grows every year, and I am now at 100 plates, compared to 84 last year.  My M asks why I continue to do it, and gro the list, and the answer is always the same – It is fun, and people enjoy it.  Her remark is always "I do not see the fun in all the hours spent in the kitchen" lol.  

We had a total of 50 pax.  Too many 2.0's to list in the alwed FNG spots.  The workout was pretty much the same as the past few years – Cookie Course was followed around the parking lot, and St. Mark's property.  This was accompanied with the normal greivances being filed for some of the stops.  Hopefully next year I will remember to modify a couple of the stops.

After the cours we bellied up for cookies and coffee.  Unfortuantely, Carpet Bagger was not present to provide alcohol.  Everyone had a great time and took home a bag or plate to their families.

This is the second year we collect for Operation Sweet Tooth.  This year the donation amount was $321.  Thank you to all that donated!!  Olive always puts funds to good use.

Thank you again to all that showed up, even if it was only for the cookies (9 Lives).  I hope everyone has a very Merry CHristmas, and look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year!!
