5th O’ July at the Foundry

Event Date

Jul 05, 2019

I was told the day after the 4th was a little light due to the booze intake however 8 Pax decided to break even on their burgers and beer from the day before.


Jog to one end of the parking lot…20 SSH's

Jog to other end of the parking lot (15 carrot pullers) 

working our way up to the blocks…jog to other end of the parking lot ( 15 slooooooooow windmills) 

The Main Course:

Burpee Pull ups….5 while partner pax did LBCs…..2 rounds of each

Next up……20 'mericans…15 air squats…10 block swings…5 block burpees + press…finish with a lap…(7 rounds total) ….started with a full lap…went down to a 1/2 then a 1/3

Mosey back to cars.for Mary……Rooter was kind enough to keep count on a pushup then roll to side plank (it has a name)….we knocked out 20 mountain climbers…10 pretzel crunches each leg and 20 LBCs…Recover Recover!

We had a FNG for his second post…Brian Napere (sp?) …..shout out to DonHo for the name. Brian mentioend he wanted to ''hurl'' due to the workout….apparently DonHo had not heard that since Wayne's world. Brian is now know to all as ''Hurly''!! Send him some love on twitter or the next post. 

All in all, everyone busted their butts this morning…sun was not up but it was sticky indeed….DonHo crushed it as usual and 9Lives picked up the six with the newbie…way to push gents! Thanks for letting me lead! 

