6 at 6 at 0530

Event Date

Mar 30, 2020

100% of the males in my family decided they needed some exercise this morning, so left the house and went for a walk.  We wandered through the neighborhood and into the parking lot of Lake Forest Church, where we found Carpetbagger awkwardly sitting in his truck, headlamp on.  Not creepy.  At all.  Then Crocs rolled in, then at 0533 Rodeo rolled in.  Wow how about that.  So there were 6 at 6' distance apart at 0530, so let's get some exercise.

Since there was no PB or plan of any kind b/c there was no workout to take place, there was no Q.  YHC declared, "Let's go this way" and it was ON.

FNG1 and 2 (aka Thing 1 and Thing 2, aka my 2.0s, aka Zare and M.O.D) are not registered but account for the other 66.666% of the males in my household and were in attendance.

So we ran, high-knee'ed, butt-kicked, karoake'ed, and shuffled up to the pullup bar area.  Then more warm-o-rama.  Then some awful workout stuff like cinder block pushes from one side of the parking lot to the other, lot's of block lifting, some running in between, and oh yeah – we started with pull-ups and chin-ups but we all had our own place on the bars, no sharing and keep your distance.

When the time came, we returned the blocks (1 at a time, max distance of course) and made our way back to the cars by weaving through the parking lot, moseying, quadropheliaing, shuffling.  Then Mary, which also sucked.  Well don by each member of the pax calling a Mary exercise.  None disappointed.

My Repeated Moleskine:

I will never say, "Well the good thing about this pandemic is…" because there isn't.  No way.  But there are what I would call "side effects" of it, and this is where I see God at work.  He didn't "cause" or "allow" the pandemic.  He created a world and blessed billions of imperfect humans with the opportunity to live in it and we humans tend to screw things up from time to time. Enter God.  He works to guide us through our screw-ups and He loves us as we face challenge and pain.  So I see His work when I am enjoying what once was an extremely rare dinner with the M and BOTH the 2.0 and 2.1 at the dinner table.  I see His work when my 2.1 tells me he loves me EVERY day and sometimes more.  I see His work with my 2.0 safely home from college and exercising with me, hanging by the grill with me.  He blessed me further now that both 2.0s are joining in the exercise.  And He is hard at work giving my M (Native) the patience and Grace to deal with me during these trying times.  She encourages me, she listens to me, she hugs me and supports me, and somehow lets me be me.  No way could she do this without His help and love.

F this virus and all the pain, anxiety, disruption and hate that has come with it.  But thank you, GOD, for being my shining light even through a completely unthinkable and indescribable time.