6 Inches Till It Hurts (Einhorn Anniversary Tour 1)

Event Date

Feb 23, 2022

4 handsome men had the cajones to show up to the AO established by Wiener lovers and Dog Whisperers for a Newbie Q beatdown like no other.  It was over hyped to say the least.

Warm Up:

10 x Cotton pickers

10 x Windmills

10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Morning Glories

The Thang:

Mosey to the shed to get blocks then Mosey back to playground with blocks overhead.

10 x pull ups

20 x block curls

30 x front raises w/blocks

40 x overhead press w/blocks

Run/waddle over to the fire pit with blocks in tow.

20 x step ups w/ blocks

30 x incline Merkins

20 x Overhead squats w/ blocks

50 x dips

Back to playground with blocks to repeat first round of pullups, curls, front raises, and overhead presses.  Then back to the shed with blocks to repeat round 2 and finish off this boulder shoulder beatdown under cover to keep the kids from getting soaked. (I forgot to do 50 dips for Mater)


Supermans x 15 (2 rounds)

6inches x Till it hurts (2 rounds)


Psalm 103:13 –  As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.


Mater complained (you do you)

Dolittle was positive (thought he was going to skip)

Crabby hit Puberty (couldn’t get away fast enough)

Hefty wasn’t impressed (worked out more after)


I want to thank everyone for inviting me into this organization.  I know I cut up and forget to use my manners and swear a little but this group has made me a better dad, husband, and person.  I look forward to many more years of waking up before the sun and suffering with you all!  Hope I did this right.
