6 Levels of Pain – February’s Edition

A genuine #BringGloves hashtag was sent out with the Mad Scientist pre-blast announcement via Twitter and 20 MEN accepted the challenge anyway. A handful of those men also showed for the standard. And a butt kicking workout was had by all.

Todays’ Mad Scientist experiment was focused on carrying heavying things i.e. cinder blocks, up then back down the parking garage. And to make it interesting, the PAX endured pain stations on each landing along the way. Here’s how it went.

?Warm-o-Rama: Fast mosey to the top of the parking garage where we circled up for the first lesson.

Each warm-up exercise In Cadence (IC): Side Straddle Hop (SSH) – 20x, Imperial Storm Trooper (IST) – 10x, Cotton Picker – 15x, Mountain Climber – 15x, Merkins – 15x … then we ran to the basement. The PAX grabbed a CMU, circled up and we performed 10x “8 count” Burners (block squat, curl, press, and skull crusher).

?The Thang – 6 Levels of Pain:

Level ONE and TWO

Partner #1 – Farmer Carry two cement blocks up two inclines then back down one.

Partner #2 – Crab Walk up one incline.

Plank until everyone is together on first landing. Merkins – 10x IC

Flap Jack

Plank until everyone is together on second landing. Merkins – 10x IC

Level THREE and FOUR

Partner #1 – Farmer Carry two cement blocks up two inclines then back down one.

Partner #2 – Lunge Walk up one incline.

Plank until everyone is together on third landing. LBC 15x IC

Flap Jack

Plank until everyone is together on fourth landing. LBC 15x IC

Level FIVE and SIX

Partner #1 – Farmer Carry two cement blocks up one incline.

Partner #2 – Bear Crawl one incline

Plank until everyone is together on fifth landing. Slow Squat w/ Block – 10x IC

Flap Jack

Plank until everyone is together on the six (top) landing. Slow Squat w/ Block – 10x IC

Also Flutter Kick w/ Block Press 10x IC

Reverse Repeato:

This time we carried the cement blocks one landing at a time as our partner crab walked, lunge walked, then bear crawled down one incline at a time; we flap jacked each landing to give equal opportunity for pain. The waiting partner endured even more pain as they waited.

Level FIVE and FOUR – Dips 10x IC

Level THREE and Two – Dips 10x IC

Level One and Basement – Flutter Kick w/ Block Press 10x IC

And as one final punishment we circled up one last time for a final round 10x “8 count” Burners (block squat, curl, press, and skull crusher).


Thank you PAX for coming out this morning to Mad Scientist and for enduring the 6 Levels of Pain experiment. I think it was a painful success.

A special thank you goes out to @LaBon_F3 for giving me the opportunity to bring the pain to the PAX. It is an honor and a privilege to lead.

1) It was obvious that Qbert didn’t make the standard this morning, he rocketed to the top of the parking garage before Warm-a-Rama. That dude has wheels. Is BRR in his future?

2) Dirt and JingleBells thank you for coming to see the other side of Huntersville. I’ve enjoyed running at RR10K on Saturdays with you, I hope I’m still welcome after today’s Boot Camp beating. Great job today.

3) Awesome job today Blackbeard, SweetC, JimmyO, MacBeth, Amen, and TheCount. Running the standard and a Boot Camp in the same morning is painful. You guys are intense.

4) Caboose thanks for dragging your butt out of bed for this one. I know you didn’t want to but you killed it anyway. We’ll keep your friend’s wife in our prayers.

5) Bunyan, I have a question for you. Can we bring that kind of pain to LFC or do you think we’ll scare off the PAX? Good to see you as always.

6) MasterPo I’m glad that you brought your gloves today. Hopefully this time you didn’t leave the beat down with battle wounds. Will you come out for another CarpetBagger beatdown?

7) Yorkee, JukeBox, Forrest, Raven, Flo, and OverBudget, I didn’t hear much out of you guys this morning. I’ll take that as a good sign.

8) JackieMoon. Now that I know that your nickname comes from the movie “Semi-Pro” starring Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, and Andre Benjamin. What’s the connection?

9) And last but not least, MacBeth, thank you for leading the in-cadence exercises for group #2. You are someone that others can always count on. Excelsior.

Gentlemen, I hope you have a great rest of your week! See you in the gloom.