6 miles in what felt like… well… Hell actually

Event Date

Jul 03, 2024


YHC needed a longer run (longer for YHC) to gauge whether or not the 7.4 km or 7.4 mile should be my route of choice at the Run, White and Blue on July 4th this year.  YHC put out a tweet/post to solicit interest and Beave quickly HC’ed, then later helped map the route as we texted back and forth.  So YHC put out an official PB and both Frogger and Mulligan showed up to launch with us.  3 miles in we ran into Vandelay on the greenway.  Turns out we were all at the 3 mile mark with 3 more to go, so he joined us (and managed to pull us along to a little faster pace).

In the end, it was determined that the launch time, temp and humidity were perfect for the 7.4 training.  And that the run on 7/4 – no matter the distance chosen – is going to suck.