6 Pack at Samson

Event Date

Nov 19, 2020


The preblast was meant to rally some PAX who had that incredible urge to Q in the cold November morning……..no luck so that means the PAX got a dose of a Hoff Q today at Samson.  We welcomed some newcomers today!!  From out of region we had Hot Wheels and his partner in crime who is new to F3 this week, AM/PM.  AM/PM is a local and determined to get out and about in this region for some beatdowns!!!  He mentionned something about being in the ultimate frisbee club????? Hmmmm……..



Typical mosey around the lot with some creative movements……Circle Up!!

SSHX15IC; 10 Plank Jacks; ISTX10IC; 8 Plank Jacks; TSX10IC; 6 Plank Jacks; WMX10IC; 4 Plank Jacks; LSX10IC; 2 Plank Jacks


Mosey to the entrance:

Muhammed Ali X 20 IC; Bear Crawl; 10 Incline Merkins; Crawl Bear

Repeato decreasing MA by 2 each time as well as decreasing IM by 2 each time Until we get to 10MAIC; 2IMerkins

Mosey to covered area:

Step Up X 20IC; 10 Decline Merkins

Repeato decreasing Step Up by 2 and DM by 2 until we get to 10 Step Ups and 2 Decline Merkins

Mosey to the wall:

Line Jumps X 20 IC; Grab some wall: Air Press x 10; Seal Claps x 10; Tough Them Heels x 10

Repeato decreasing Line Jumps by 2 and exercises along the wall by 2

(We only got down to 14 Line Jumps and 6 exercises on wall before it was time for Mary)

Mosey to Rodeo's car for Mary!!!  (Rodeo was a late arrival so we wanted to reward him for getting here in the cold!!)

LBCx15IC; LFx15IC; DCx15IC; LFx15IC; Bam Bam x 5


Great work today men!  Appreciate the opportunity to lead!!

Until next time!