6 Pax Salute at the Tantrum Residence

Event Date

Jan 28, 2019


5 pax were hypnotized by YHC's preblast and showed for what would end up being (according to YHC's Garmin) 3.6 fellowship miles at #Titan, plus some (mostly) core exercise stops.

0527: YHC, Jaws, Jedi, and Turnpike were chatting and waking up our old man muscles while waiting for Tantrum – who had "liked" YHC's preblast – to roll in.  A car pulls into the Hopewell bus lot, but Jaws quickly determines that it isn't Tantrum's.  There was some speculation that it might be 66.  Door opens, and out pops Mona Lisa (!), who would later confess that he hadn't posted in months.  Great to have you back!

0531: In the middle of warm-o-rama, another car pulls into the lot.  Could it be Tantrum?  Nope.  Car door opens, and out pops Jingle Bells (!!), bringing us to a total of 6 pax.  Still, no Tantrum.  Jingle (or maybe Jaws?) confirmed that the lights were all out at the Tantrum residence.


  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC


3.6 mile run, mostly in Latta neighborhood.  We snaked our way up and down the streets that span Neck Rd and Pamela St, stopping at various points for some quick, mostly core exercises:

  • At top of Alba Rose Lane climb:
    • WWII Situp x 20 OYO
  • At corner of Canal Dr and Neck Rd:
    • LBC x 10 IC
    • Dying Cockroach x 10 IC
  • At corner of New Bond Dr and Neck Rd:
    • Jane Fonda x 10 IC (each leg)
  • In front of Tantrum residence:
    • Monkey Humper x 10 IC
    • Slow Deep Squat x 10 IC

Quick Mary back at home base:

  • Rosalita x 10 IC
  • Low Flutter x 10 IC
  • Elbow Plank 30 sec

Recover, recover.


  • YHC had planned to take a different route after snaking through the streets between Neck Rd and Pamela St, but the pax planted the seed early in our run that we needed to make a return pass by the Tantrum house for some Monkey Humper shaming.  Ha.  Missed you out there, Tantrum.
  • At least 4 of the 6 pax (including YHC) were sporting cotton hoodies, aka the Turnpike Starter Kit.  Now I see what all the fuss is about!
  • Jaws confused the pax by claiming to have known Willie Mays Hayes' son's profession to be "turf salesman."  The pax went silent.  Jaws then repeated the claim, but the pax were still trying to process whether Jaws was referring to the son of the fictional character or the son of Wesley Snipes.  Jaws suddenly realized his error and clarified: Willie Mays.  Ahh.  It was early.
  • Jedi has discovered a new sock folding technique that is sparking joy!  #S2K
  • We didn't see a ton of cars, but of course, some of the few we did see happened to pass us just as we were doing our Jane Fondas and Monkey Humpers.  Cobains to Jaws and Jingle…. hope your neighbors didn't ID you out there.
  • I think I managed to secure an HC from Mona Lisa for this week's Taco Tuesday, on the condition that we don't go to Sabor.  ML is still having cold sweats just thinking about the piles of ground beef and onions from the LKN Taco Eating Competition.  Plan is to (finally) make our return to Hot Taco in South End.  Stay tuned!
  • ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT to order tickets for the Davidson v. Dayton basketball game on 2/19, benefiting Access 2 Success.  Tickets are only $12 each, and $7 of this will go to A2S.  Details HERE!  Order your tickets today or tomorrow.
  • The Polar Bear is coming on Feb 23!  Stay tuned….
  • Get thee to QSource!  You have 3 options every week to join this leadership discussion – Mondays at Berean (Birkdale Starbucks), Fridays at Emmaus (same), and Saturdays after Estate/Mighty Jungle (meet at Waterbean Coffee).
  • Thanks to the pax for joining YHC this morning.  Thanks to Jaws for the opportunity to lead.  Thanks to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016 – I'm forever grateful.
