6 Rain Soaked Revolters Ran Reverse Teeter 2 Teeter Today

Event Date

Jun 17, 2020

6 moderately motivated Pax showed up in the potentially rainy gloom for The Revolt this morning.  Being that it is the 3rd Wedensday of the month, the route was the Reverse Teeter to Teeter.  It was interesting to note we could now consider this route Teeter to Teeter to Teeter with the addiion of the HT Gas station at the Davidson traffic circle…   

Fidel & LD didn't feel like waiting around and took off just as YHC was pulling in & Hulka was stretching. 

As P.A.B stolled up and talked about how deep asleep he had been, Stout pulled in and the 5:15 launch time rolled on by.  Channeling Duvall, we all decided to watch Stout get ready and launched at 5:17am.

Thankfully the rain held off for the first 3 miles or so, but it could hold back no longer on the last 2 miles and during the COT.  Everyone ended up rain-soaked and greatful for a cold, rather than warm rain.  

Everyone did a great job with the run & the route this morning.  Props to Fidel for responding to P.A.B.'s Slack call-out last night, and especially for not even waiting for P.A.B. to arrive this morning before taking off.  I'm always greatful for the men who choose to Revolt every Wednesday and join in the fellowship as we put in the miles.  I always draw inspiration and motivation from these men!