6 RNGs take over The Foundry

Event Date

Jun 16, 2017

Pheonix, Renaissance, SpinCycle fna FNG-Brett Allen, Little Brick, and McStuffens fna FNG-Russ Brannon were also present and accounted for.  Hey you guys: Go ahead and get signed up for the interweb site you are currently reading.  Then we will be able to add you to the Pax list in the future.

LawnDart and YHC got in a couple extra miles on the greenway at 0500. So that was nice.

0529: Welcomes and Introductions

0530: Roll Out

Warmarama – SSHs, CottonPickers, Windmills, ISTs….

Mosey to Pull Up Bar Corner

Partner Up for Dora 1-2-3

100 Squats, 200 Carolina Dry Docks, and 300 Flutter Kicks

10 PullUps, 10 Burpees

Mosey to Church Entrance

Grab a BIG Rock – Presses, Skull Crushers, Curls, and Merkins

BunnyHop and Lunge back to LaunchPad

5 Gassers

15 W's

Recover, Recover!!


It was great to see 6 Relatively New Guys, guys who picked up nicknames in the last week or two, at LFC this AM.  All put in strong work, and appeared to be mildly enjoying themselves.

The other 5 of us, who have each had our nicknames for a bit, we enjoyed oursleves too.

Gray Ghost hobbled around this AM, but still covered our 6 like a pro.  Heal up quick.

Dino puts in more work in 30 minutes than the FS's do all day.  And he still makes it to Bible study on time, every week!!

Great to name two FNGs this AM.  Now we just gotta keep working on them to get to their 3rd, 4th, and 20th workouts…..

Im sure I missed a bunch of other great things that happened this AM. I was too busy making sure we were staying on schedule to notice….. Sound off in the comments with what I missed.


QSchool coming up at The Foundry in 2 weeks.  If your are, or have EHd, a newer guy this is for you. A chance to learn more about F3, and what it takes to Q an workout, mark your calendars now.  JUNE 30th at 5 and 530AM.

Actors and Actresses needed for the 2017 Murder Mystery Dinner Date Night.  Let Ramrod or Spare know if you're interested.  ~10 PAX needed.

Dad's Camp is SOLD OUT.  SweetC may have a wait list started.  Ask him.