6 Rounds of Taco Prep

Event Date

Jul 10, 2018


5 men of F3 GAGA did the appropriate amount of preparation in advance of Taco Tuesday. This is their story:


Hoodie, Big Montana, Dingo, 9 Lives, & YHC met and waited a couple minutes for any potential late arrivals then YHC explained the plan as follows


~1 mi warm-up as a group to preview the loop

6 x 800m @ 10K pace then recover for the rest of the loop

~1 mi cool down


Recover recover



  • Hoodie is fast. Made sub 6:50 pace look easy until he went off-roading and almost had to hop a fence.
  • 9 Lives had only good things to say about Jollyball but isn't fond of running or maybe it was the other way around…either way he crushed the intervals and is ready for BRR
  • Hey look…Dingo & Big Montana managed to follow the Q and made a BB…strong work this AM gents
  • Everyone got between 6 – 7.3 miles…temps made it feel good
  • LKN Taco Tuesday heads to Sabor at exit 23 around noon today…come join us
  • Strong group of runners and even stronger group of men this morning. Honored to lead you all this morning to make sure you got ya some GAGA. Now go be the light for those that need Him most. Until the next time…