6 Swordsmen Brought Out Their Rowers

Event Date

Jun 11, 2018

No takers for a short Standard, so 25 extra minutes of rest for me! 

Wuick check of the 5 other men in attendence for FNGs, none found, bet the group did come to a concensus that Stray was a kotter.  Caboose may have been the only pax there that had met him before.   Introductions were made, and we set off for some fun.

Parking lot warmup mosey,  Shuffles, COP (no SSHs, but did have Merkins and CDDs)

Partned up at the pull up bars.

Both Partners needed to knock out 10 pull up before starting any new exercise

Dora – 100 Merkins, 200 Air Squats, 300 WWII Sit Ups

Other Partner ran the 1/6 mile Sharknado lap, and kept a cummualtive count until all 30 Pullups and 600 reps were complete.

10 more pullups just for good measure.

Mosey down to the church for some People's Chair, Air Presses, Leg Lifts,

Finish up with Partner leap frogs back to the car.

Recover, Recover!!



Great to have Stray in the house today.  Coming off surgury, looking strong, and sure to gain a little strength each time he posts.

Also great to hear from each man and how they initailly got invited to F3.  Operation Headlock isn't about inviting FNGs and then forgetting about them.  Remember who invited you, and why they did it, is a key part in keeping this thing growing.  Fun to hear how some of us fought off the headlock for months, and other jumped in full force on day one.  No two EHs are ever really the same.  Its about meeting the man where he's at.

The 300 WWII's were a bit silly this morning, by number 50 you just felt like you were on a rowing machine and just trying to not forget to breathe. A few grumblings about switching to another exercise, but when they heard what the other options might consist of, 300 WWII's suddenly wasn't so bad. 

Thanks Tuck for the opportunity to lead.  We missed you, but hopefully the beach has been good to you and the family.