t29 Men inlcuding 3 2.0's and 1 4 legged friend assembled at The Glen for a 6 year anniversary Q your YHC.  After the loss of the MPD Officer this past week we started with a moment a silence and then some directions were given.  All excersizes for the day would be done x 6 not to celebrate me but to remind us in this group we have to look out for each other and have their 6 and also their are guys within this group that have ours.  So the goal of the workout was to tour Stumpy Creek point out a few of my favorite memories of things that have happened over the years and Highlight some or our F3 Brothers that have our 6.  Around 18 penalty burpees were handed out durring the expanation due to Mumblehchatter and beeing 1 guy short of the requested 30 pax.  


Mosey to the other side of the parking lot with Butt Kickers and High knees

Windmills x 6, SSH x 6, Cotton Pickers x 6, SSH x 6, IST x 6, SSH x 6, Merkins x 6 

Mosey to the bottom of the hill by the outfield fence of the baseball fence for Memory #1.   Bear crawl up the hill 6 merkins at the top  crawl bear back down and repeat.  Last winter while sledding at a Saturday morning workout in the snow.  Lear went headfirst down the hill and took on one of the fence posts with his head.  He was uninjured.  Lear is 71 and posts on a regular basis and he ceratinly has our 6. Thank you Lear.  

Mosey to the Frisbee golf course in the woods.  The pendulum of Pain.  6 Squats down the hill back up the hill on the other side 6 burpees and run back to the other side for 6 squats.  Crack and Chief.  Chief has q'd several workouts over the years and crack brough us the pendulum of pain.  2 guys that have our 6.  Thank Crack and Chief

Mosey to the bottom of the other baseball field near the track.  Captain Dans up the hill.  1 squat – 1 broad jump.  Continue all the way up the hill adding 1 squat and 1 broad jump each time until you reach the top.  I recently q'd a ruck sand bag workout for Chicken Little and Finger Lickin Good.  They spent a long time on this hill throwin sand bags up the hill.  Chicken Little and FLG 2 guys have your 6.  Thank you Chicken Little and FLG.  

Mosey to the far Soccer Field.  Start on the edge of soccer field 1 6 squats.  Then run down the hill and backup to the edge of the next soccer field for 6 burpess and come back.  Keep going accoss the fields adding 1 new exercise each time.  1 Greg Luganis Merkin in the middle of Field 2,  6 Merkins on the next edge, 6 WWII situps on the next edge.  This was for a wouldout that Love Shack brought to us several years ago.  Its a sold beat down.  Love shack has our 6.  Thank you Loveshack.  

Line up in 1 straight line for 6 bupess all together in cadence.  Indian Run back to the start.  Recover Recover

Its been a great 6 years for myslef beeing apart of this amazing group of men.  If your reading this and you havn't yet discovered some close friendships within this group keep posting.  You have to put in the effort keep posting and put in the time to build relationships.  I didn't have time to share all the memories and highlight every one of my Race City brothers that were there today but I think each one of you for showing up and making a difference.  Thanks Crack for the EHing me.  Who has your 6, Whose 6 do you have?
