6 Year Anniversary at Wilderness

Warm up lap around the AO

SSH X 20

IST X 20

Merkin X 10

Mtn Climber X 15

Carrot Tugger X 15

Run to queens corner – Rocky Balboa/Riverdance X 20

Run to Rock pile

Low Curl X 12

High Curl X 12

Shoulder Press X 12

Skull crusher X 12

Lap around circle

Burner X 12

Drop rocks to circle 

Mini pain clock @ 3/6/9/12 sets of 12

Merkins at 12

Squats at 3

WW2 at 6

Carolina Dry Dock at 9

Merkins at 12

run to the hill

Australian Peelback – squats for all, 1 man bear crawls to end/beginning of line, yell out a beer – next guy goes – everyone through twice

Run back to queens corner

Pinky Pie to 8

Freddie mercury led by the Force

Run back to launch

PAX led Mary with years in F3 and the guy who brought em out

Thanks everyone for joining on my 6 year.  I always enjoy coming back to the wilderness, where it all strated for me.  Thats why I had to bring back the Guiness sweatshirt, it may continue to smell worse, but hopefully it will never die.  On a more seriuos note, I struggle to put into words what this group has meant to me overall, fitness is obvious.  Although its not aways obvious everyone one us needs the 2nd and 3rd F support as well from time to time.

Enough of the mushy stuff! Hope Amen got those shorts cleaned.  Sorry for late BB, have a great week gentlemen.