6 Year Anniversary Q and 6 Years of F3 Daytona!

Not on webiste…Homeboy.

Stretch Armstrong Pax: Omaha, Ultraman and Toxic


There were a lot of butterflies this morning as it was my first Q in just about a year and on my 6th F3 anniversary to boot.  Not only that, it was the 6th running of F3Daytona.  To ensure that there was not a repeat episode of 2019, I had 6 alarms set (ironic) to ensure my butt got out of the Fartsack. Funny thing was that I was so wide awake, I didn’t need any alarm today.

I had packed everything the night before.  Instructions, Shovel Flag, towel, water and tape. 

As I made my way to Mad Scientist, I had a lot of emotions running through me.  I created this workout at the height of my fitness…and since, I have not even been able to complete it.  Meanwhile, there was quite a twitter storm on who was going to take home the checkered flag…this will be entertaining.

I arrived just as Q Bert made his way into the lot.  Mr. Tesla had his car parked already and came back from a slow mosey shortly after I posted the reps for today’s race.

One by one, Pax rolled in…some old faces, some new faces, and my new neighbor across the street.

The Pax attempted to get the stretch boys to post but to no avail.  Somehow they made there way to the video for Counts.  Anyway.  Gentleman…Start Your Engines!

Pledge of Allegiance

Warm O Rama:

YHC called an early audible not to circle up down at the basement but to circle up after a quick lap around the building and onto the grass.  Mumblechatter started early by QBert with the change of direction…but hey…we have to adapt to make it bigger and better!


SSH x12 IC

Toy Soldiers x12 IC

IST x12 IC

The 12 was symbolic in case you didn’t realize

Instructions barked out.

Gathered the Pax to the “Starting Line” and again…the moaning continued.  Knowing there was some trash talk and pride on the line…I wanted to Pax to have a fair start.

I released the green flag and the Pax were off!

What is Daytona?  For most who follow directions, this is it!

The Thang!

25 Burpees-LAP

50 LBC’s – LAP

50 Mericans -LAP

50 Squats – LAP

50 Freddie Mercury’s – LAP

50 Carolina Dry Docs – LAP

50 Lunges – LAP

50 Mason Twists – LAP

50 Wide Grip Mericans – LAP

50 Jump Squats – LAP

25 Burpees


T Claps to all the hard chargers that completed it, faced it and embraced it.

There was a tough battle at the top but Snoopy came home with the title.

It was somewhat fitting as it was Joe Cool himself that suggested finding F3 over 6 years ago…


Racing Stripe Moleskin

Nice work Frogger for the Standard.

Thanks to my neighbor, Cowbell, for posting with me and venturing out of the People’s Republic.

Thanks to Good Life for converging Hollywood but more importantly, bringing coffee and donuts.



Every time I attempt to address the Pax about my feelings, I can never muster the strength to hold it back…today was no different.

I know many say they would never be where they are without F3 but I like to say and hate to say that I am that poster child.  It is not a cliché.

I thanked the Pax for all their support these past 6 years.  But more importantly, carrying me through these years.  57 months ago, on May 9, 2016, 216 Pax made their way to Man Maker Monday to support YHC and remember my daughter Christina.  Truth is, since I have joined F3, I have been carried, pushed and pulled to try and be better and to better other Pax and people.  Since my daughter passed, I have been carried even more so.  I mentioned with all my emotional and physical struggles, I would be doing F3 Lake Norman and Nation a disservice if I did not push myself to be with my brothers…and I was honored to show up today. 

Lastly, I shared the story of Jimmy O and Mooch making their way to Christina’s funeral in Long Island and how Mooch made me the shovel flag (OG version) and how he shared a poem/story with me that I frequently refer to and shared with the Pax today.  This, in essence, is F3:


We are here to carry you, there to pick up the pieces when the pieces are bigger than life.

We will carry through the tough, strenuous, mind-bending times.

Carry you through the burdens, spread and share the burden with you.

We will carry your until you are able to carry someone else.  With time, you will carry one another.  That is how we carry each other."

To me, this is “leave no man behind and leave no man where you found them.”

I am not at a point to physically carry anyone any more but I can certainly attest that I am not where I was…and because you all carry me…I have been able to carry others in their time of need.

I am eternally grateful for all the support in the past and I am sure in the future that you, my brothers, give me.  Thank you all!


Live life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Ever Take Anything for Granted!


Thankfully yours,


