6 Years in F3 and All I Got is This Lousy T-shirt. . .

Event Date

Oct 27, 2022


Possum was early (as possums are) and we were exchanging niceties when a stranger appeared out of the darkness. "Are you guys F3?" he asked, haltingly. Our curiosity was piqued. Our excitement was palpable. Could this be a new member of our courageous clan? It was indeed. We responded in the affirmative and discovered that F3 Ace (Ray Malouf) was from Austin, Texas. He was imported into F3 by Tammy Faye of Vandelay Industries. This was only Ace's fourth workout, but it was one he would come to regret attending. . .

In celebration of my eminent six-year F3nniversary, we gathered in a grocery store parking lot littered with hardened chewing gum, condom wrappers, and the lost hopes of bag boys who were sure they would make manager by 25 so they could justify not going to college like their mothers had insisted. 

The task at hand was simple. To honor my six years in F3, we would do sets of six minutes each. Each set would contain two exercises that we would alternate until our time was up. In between we would run for six minutes. Wash. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. 

0: Warmup: 50 Hand-Clap SSH 

1. 10 Merkins and 20 Fat-Bottomed Girls

2. Running

3. 20 Squats and 20 Carolina Dry Docks 

4. Running

5. 20 Dips and 20 Airborne Touch-them-Heels

6. Running 

7. 10 Wide Merkins and 10 WWIIs

The consensus of the gathering throng was that some of these exercises got a bit annoying somewhere between minutes 4 and 6. I think Ace is starting to get appreciate the fact that just because we're mostly a bunch of old guys, we ain't no wimps. 


Possum (to Canuck