61 month anniversary 4-corners

A dirty dozen toured The Wilderness AO with lots of stops at corners for pain and pain-clock work, too.



·         Mosey lap around parking lot; second lap with High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karoki

·         SSH x 25 IC; IST x 15 IC; Cotton Pickers x 15 IC; Mountain Climbers x 20 IC



·         Mosey to Parkcrest St.: 5 burpees OyO

·         Mosey to Parkcrest cul-de-sac: 5 burpees OyO, 5 Merkins x IC

·         Mosey to Mayberry Place: 5 burpees OyO, 5 Merkins x IC, 10 squats x IC

·         Mosey to Park Grove St.:  5 burpees OyO, 5 Merkins x IC, 10 squats x IC, 20 LBCs x IC

·         Mosey to Queens Corner:  1) 5 burpees 2) 10 Merkins 3) 20 Squats 4) 40 LBCs

·         Mosey to pain clock

o    ¼ lap bear crawl + full lap run; 10 Diamond Merkins x IC

o    ¼ lap crab walk + full lap run; 10 Carolina Dry Docks x IC

o    ¼ lap bear crawl + full lap run; 5 Scorpion Dry Docks x IC per each leg

o    ¼ lap lunge walk + full lap run; 10 Should tap x IC

·         Mosey back to Queens Corner:  1) 5 burpees 2) 10 Merkins 3) 20 Squats 4) 40 LBCs

·         Freddy Mercury x 20 IC; Muhammad Alis x 20 IC, Shoulder Dips x 10 IC

·         Mosey to club-house rock pile

o    Chest Press x 15 IC

o    Russian Twist x 15 IC

o    Skull Crusher Time Bomb 5:1



·         Low Flutter x 20 IC /  10 WWII sit-ups OyO / Decline J-LO x 15 IC (Amen) /  Crunchy Frog x 15 IC (Omar)

Recover – Recover



·         Good to be back on familiar territory with Q with some running while still recovering from injury. Great group with good balance of mumble chatter and hard work. No apologies for less running that resulted in more burpees (30 for those not counting).

·         T-claps to Sluice Box for coming all the way from Indian Trail and arriving Just In Time at 0510.

·         Sorry, Top Gun your “work related” FS means YHC gets to post the BB more than two hours after the work-out ends.

·         Operation Sweet Tooth 8K run is on Saturday, March 30th at St. Mark Church. Run / walk / volunteer and bring family for a #HIM great cause.

·         Prayers for speedy recovery for Blackbeard—the gloom is not the same without you.

·         Continue to keep Schneider’s family in our prayers for healing.

·         Thanks to The Force for the privilege of leading at this great AO. His offer to Q once/month during YHC’s 5-year anniversary year is tempting, but need to let others take the helm.




