7-31-19 pyramid and damn the tennis courts are big @ Mad Scientist


Mosey toward Huntersville Park and circle up on tennis courts




IST 10x IC

Cotton picker 10x IC

Toy soldier 10x IC

Windmill 10x IC


Thang – The 7-31-19 Beatdown.


Three exercises performed for either 7, 31, or 19 repetitions. Ran two laps around tennis courts after round 1 exercises, one lap after round 2 exercises, and no laps after round 3 exercises. Repeato once per round of exercises.


Round 1

7 pull ups

31 dips

19 decline merkins


Round 2

7 alternating step ups

31 squats 

19 alternating lunges


Round 3

7 burpees 

31 LBCs

19 elbow plank jacks


Provided PAX with an exercise band. All exercises performed with exercise band. The mumblechatter definitely picked up at this point in workout.


Plank walk from end line to end line and back

Side step from end line to end line and back

Monster walk from end line to end line and back

Forward alternating scissor kicks 31x

Side to side scissor kicks 31x


Run back to back toward DKP and circle up in front of DKP for Mary

Low flutter 15x IC

Mason twist 15x IC

The W 15x IC

Freddie Mercury 15x IC

Pretzel crunch 10x IC


Recover Recover 

