FNG-1 NaNaNa – Not yet on the website
FNG-2 now forever known as Heat Pump
Gather for the Pledge of Allegiance at a Flag Pole with no Flag.
1 Lap around the lot with high knees and buttkickers
- SSH x 20IC
- IST x 10IC
- Carrot Pullers x 10IC
- Toy Soldier x 10IC
- Mountain Climbers x 15IC
The Thang:
- 7 – Pull-ups
- 31 – Jump Squats
- 20 – Decline Merkins
- Take a Lap
Repeato, Repeato
- 7 – Australian Pullups
- 31 – Apollo Ohno
- 20 – Incline Merkins
- Take a Lap
Mosey to the Rock Pile and Grab a Rock
- 7 – Squat to Press IC
- 31 – Chest Press (15.5 IC)
- 20 – Pullovers
- 20 – Bent Over Rows
- 7 – Stiff Leg Deadlift IC
- Run to Corner and Back
- Repeato
Mosey back to the lot, on the way mix in some lunge walk and bear crawl.
- THE Burpee
- Low Flutter x 15 IC
- Rosalita x 15 IC
- Dying Cockroach (Little Professor)
- Little Baby Extensions (Soprano)
- WWII (Bagboy)
- Freddie Mercury (Canuck) – Including all his drug phases #S2K
- FNG Nathan is now forever known as Heat Pump. He works for Trane, hence the name.
- Lots of Mumble Chatter about 31 being too many reps and too many repeatos. Kobains.
- Good work by all on a very humid morning.
- Thanks to Cousin Eddie for taking us out and good to hear his wife is getting some positive news.
- Thanks to Eeyore for the chance to lead.