7 Early Risers for Davidson’s Advanced Early Shift

Event Date

Aug 15, 2019


Warm up on the Green, mosey up Main St. to the front of the Davidson College Visual Arts Building & find some wall. 

Incline Merchans, Dips, Bulgarian Squat – R, then over to the columns for People's Chair with Air Press, then back to wall.

Decline Merchans, Dips, Bulgarian Squat – L, then over to the columns & in honor of the big balls on the walls, we did Balls to the Wall!, then back to wall.

Incline Merchans, Dips, Alternating Step-ups

Indian Run down Griffith St, turn Right onto Jackson St., and continue to parking lot just past the Post Office.

CCD, LBC, Squat, CCD, 1-Leg Out LBC, Alternating Lunge, CCD, 1-Leg Out LBC, Apollo Ono

Mosey further down Jackson St. to parking lot behind Summitt.  

Run to top of parking lot, do 5x WWII sit-ups, run back to other end of parking lot & do 15x Plank Jacks – REPEATO for total of 3 sets – 5, 10, 15 WWII sit ups and 15, 20, 25 Plank Jacks.

Indian Run further on Jackson up to Main St. and across to DUMC – grab 2x Trapazoid pavers.

Curls, OH Press, OH Seal Clap.

Mosey to stairs for 2x sets of Calf Raises, then mosey back to blocks.

Merchans on pavers, lying flys – put 'em up & mosey back to Green

Low flutter until all Pax back at Green, then 15x IC low flutter & 10x J-Low.  

Recover, Recover.

Always a pleasure Q'ing the fine Pax of Davidson.  Extra props for all those up & out ealy this morning, most notable the 6 other Pax at the AES workout, but also WMD and Canuck who biked by while we were at the Visual Arts building, Captain Caveman, who was spotted driving by on his way to the 5:30am workout, and the skunk spotted walking away from us in the Summitt parking lot.  
