7 for 11’s

Event Date

Feb 21, 2025

7 braved the chilly morning @The General to get their Friday started right! This is what we did:

Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory



-SSH x 25 IC

-IST x 10 IC

-Long Snapper x 10 IC

-Windmill x 10 IC

-Toy Soldier walk to the end of Parking lot



The Thang:

Start at the bottom of the hill (Westmoreland entrance) for a Round of 11’s

-Start with 1 Merican, run up the hill for 10 Monkey Humpers. Continue this circuit all the way to 10 Mericans and 1 Monkey Humper.

Mosey to the playground for another round of 11’s

-Start with 10 Dips, do 20 SSH, then perform 1 Pullup. Continue this circuit all the way to 1 Dip and 10 Pullups (SSH only after the Dips).

Head over to the Bleachers

-Step ups each leg x 10 OYO

Find some wall

-People’s Chair w/ Air Presses x 10 IC

Back to the playground for Mary…PAX preferred the soft cushy surface over the asphalt parking lot.



Each PAX took a turn:

-Rosalita x 10IC (Toby)

-Crunchy Frog x 10 IC (Stromboli)

-Dying Cockroach x 10 IC (Holiday)

-WWII x 10 IC (Fast Pitch)

-Big Boy Situps x 10 IC (DeepDish)

-Low Dolly x 10 IC (Lonestar)

-Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC -each leg (Eeyore)

Return to the start

Recover, Recover

Man, it was cold, but I did my best to keep us moving so that we could stay sort of warm.  Thanks to DD and Holiday for giving me the chance to lead such a great group of guys this morning. It’s always an honor and privilege to Q at any AO, but The General is extra special.  Enjoyed the conversations at the Grand Opening for Caribou Coffee after the workout. Looks like we have a new coffee spot!


Until we meet again


