7 men, 17 reps.

Event Date

Oct 25, 2023

Absolutely beautiful morning. 6 Pax getting after it in the gloom is a thing of beauty if you ask me. 

SSH, long snapper, toy soldier, Mozy 


5 burpees.

5 BPs, 10 dry docks.

5 BPs, 10 DDs, 15 Merkins.

5 BPs, 10 DDs, 15 MKs, 20 lunges.

5 BPs, 10 DDs, 15 MKs, 20 LGs, 25 Squats.

5 BPs, 10 DDs, 15 MKs, 20 LGs, 25 Sqts, 30 LBCs

5 BPs, 10 DDs, 15 MKs, 20 LGs, 25 SQts, 30LBCs, 35 glute bridges.

Great work men!! Mozy.

monkey humpers, pickle pounders. Suzanne somers, Mozy, Mozy.

parking deck boogie: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, run up the deck, 15 jump sqts, stairs down. 
3 rounds. Plank for the 6. 

mozy to center. Mary. 
Soprano called 10 burpees 😂😂 I love it!
steamy pax calling cadence under shooting stars was my favorite part of the gloom. 
 Recover recover. 

Prayers for Stromboli. Prayers for unspoken struggles.