7 pax for Sevens in the Deck(s)

Event Date

Jun 23, 2021

After triple checking the F3LKN calendar, my personal calendar, and the notes of the MQ, Popcorn, YHC arrived at Discovery Place Kids, Huntersville with a few ideas and some inspiration for the pax to get stronger and smarter…about F3. 

Disclaimer (missed this, whoops; and it was dark going down the stairwell in the parking deck).

Warmorama – jog over to the Caboose (0.1 miles each way) to say a friendly howdy/good morning to the StretchArmstong crew with some warm up exercises on the way and on the way back. Unfortunately, Blackbeard wasn't as happy to see us as we were to see him and his crew. A hairy moon debuted briefly under a cloudy sky and the sun rose about an hour later over coffee. The 7 of us retreated quickly back to safety butt will never be the same.

Upon return to the deck, we started our ascent, sprinting the ramps and exercising on the flats until we reached the top, where a Deck of Dora ensued. The pax drew the exercises from the F3 playing deck and YHC called the rep count. Partner 1 ran to the bottom of the deck while partner 2 pounded out the reps (mericans-150, drydocks-100, and one other-75).

Mosey to the middle of the deck for 7s – 1 pull up, 6 turkish get-ups, 2 pull-ups, 5 turkish get-ups, etc. If pullups weren't possible for you, replace with burpees. 

YHC led a mobility moment, hokey pokey style. Left foot in, left foot out, left foot in, and stretch it down the front. Etc, until hamstrings, glutes, calves, back, & IT bands were loosened. 

We ended on MWAR (mary with a rope – rights reserved to The Force; he'll get 10% of the profits from this workout), which included 7 exercises to 7 reps and the odd man out exorcised the devil rope while simultaneously exercising his shoulders.

  • box cutter, low flutter, rosalita, WW2 situps, and others



  1. Cobains, Canuck. We didn't get enough miles for his 2-mile daily average/goal for 2021. He's closing in on his stretch goal at the midway point in the year. Well done.
  2. Osh! it was great to see you south and east of your assigned quadrant. Did y'all notice he counted like a pro. I'm crediting Einstein for the positive influence and predicting an Osh Kosh Q at Mad Sci in the next month.
  3. Honey Suckle Blue quietly pounded out his pull-ups and get-ups…putting in the work.
  4. Osh Kosh took about 3 rounds on get-ups before he settled into a method; me thinks he's not a dancer
  5. Blackbeard's 23rd nickname emerged from the gloom, thanks to our visit to Stretch…Backbeard.
  6. Thanks to PopCorn for buying our coffee and to all of you for allowing me to lead for 45 minutes.

Pax Tibi, gentlemen. Until next time, F3.