7 Vikings Slay North Meck Park

Event Date

Sep 13, 2022


FNG-1 – Cabernet, recently started with us a few weeks ago and appropriately named as his last name is Gallo.  Need to get Cabernet on the website

It was a cool but muggy morning at North Meck Park and 7 brave souls advanced their fitness by navigating 2+ Strava verified miles in the gloom.

Here's a general recap and skinny backblast that provides each of these fine men credit for a job well done.

After the disclaimer, YHC did a brief and predictable warm-a-rama with SSH's, IST's, Toy Soldier, a little mobility, Merkins, and mountain climbers.  Canuck put a halt to a potential 100 IC SSH's by using a big bear hug as YHC was approaching 30 SSH's.  PAX you can thank Canuck next time you see him.

After warm-a-rama, we moseyed and took the long route to ensure as much distance as possible would be covered, ending just beyond the entrance to the park for a quick painstation of squats, merkins and donkey kicks..  From there, PAX moseyed down the main road through the park, stopping again for a quick painstation and picnic shelter steps ups merkins and dips before finally heading over to the soocer field track. About 3/4's around the track, YHC heard Waffle shout out requesting a stop – a stop resulting in the PAX doing 10 burpees OYO…..good call out Waffle 🙂 

After a lap around the track, we stopped at the playground for a couple sets of pull-ups x 10 and air squats. x 10.  PAX proceeded with another lap around the track to again maximize distance which would ensure the promised 2+ miles would be covered.

PAX finished with a friendly mosey back to the parking lot and 3 minutes of MARY.

Recover Recover.  Prayers and announcements covered in CoT.  Lift up Hippie's friend who is struggling with a job situation and reminder about the Latini 8k coming up this Saturday.

Big shout-out to Jersey Boy for a successful weekend showcasing his theatre production in Concord – we hope you can post that on Youtube JB so we can see it!

Awesome seeing Rock Lobster at the Viking – TClaps for bringing Cabernet and getting him out with us.  Great seeing you both.

As always, it's an honor and privilege to lead in the gloom, and this morning was a blast!  

Humbly in Christ,
