7 Years of Mustang Majesty

Mustang's 7 year anny was actually Monday but we celebrated it today.

All exercises were plagiarized from previous anniversary workouts (none of which YHC led) so the blame can be sent elsewhere.


WARMUPCirca 4/6/2020 – Mater's "Worst Anniversary Ever" Q

SSH (IC) x20

Windmills (IC) x 10

Grandma Maters (IC) x 10

Sprinklers (IC) x 10

10 Can't remember what it was, but it was something (was how it read on the BB) so we decided to take 10 seconds in silence to appreciate the ability to be out ITG doing this and what F3 means to us.

Monkey Humpers (IC) x 10

Quad-I-Feel-Ya parking lot lap was a real crowd pleaser…Watch the speed bumps!  Mater, the HIM that he is, waited at the Meat Locker AO to ensure no one sad clowned then drove down showing up right about now.


Head to the Pull Up Bars



Circa 4/4/18 – Clark's Pull Back Racers" Q

Round 1 

10 Standard Pull-ups

10 Chest to Ground merkins

Round 2

10 Negative Pull-ups

10 Copperhead Merkins


Mosey to grab a block, then to the NW corner of the practice field (to which some never knew existed).


Circa 4/5/19 – Ziploc's "Schoolz in Sucka" Q

15 One arm Curls OYO-each arm

30 Curls OYO

15 Skull Crushers IC

30 Russian Swings OYO

15 Copperhead Squats IC

30 American Swings OYO

15 Sidewinders OYO

15 Squat Curls IC

15 OH Press IC


Return the blocks and mosey to the front of the gym


Circa 4/5/17 – Mulligan's "Great Things Come in #3's" Q

3 Minutes AMRAP Burpees


Circa 4/4/16 – Sonar's "But Ma! I don't want to get out of bed!" Q

Mini Circuit Time

5 LBC's to start

Run to down-under bar. Australian pull ups x 5

Run to area by pull up bar. Mekins x 5

Run to pull up bar. Pull-ups x 5

Run to launchpad.  Bear crawl up hill or steps



Circa 4/4/18 – Clark's Pull Back Racers" Q

10 IC Low Dolly

10 IC Rosalitas

10 IC W Sit ups

It was here that "deconstructed Dr. W's" were mentioned, which WERE coming, but waited to throw them off the scent.

10 IC Low Flutter

10 IC LBC's

10 IC Dr. W's

Recover Recover

And THAT, was your 7 years of free workouts



Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

While kayaking yesterday, YHC reflected on what F3 meant it keeps coming back to it being so much more than a workout.  There are so many friendships and brothers met in the past ~5 years that I am truly blessed.  The workout is the glue however.  It is then that you know someone WILL be out there to embrace the suck alongside you.  This transcends into the rest of the day.  They're there for you for your first mile, first 1/2 marathon, your first child, child problems, buying a house and moving, when you get married, or having issues, when you start your own business, or have bat problems, when you need electrical advice/help, or when you get suggestions that may be off topic and don't help at all (thanks Slack), when you get Saved, or when you drift too far, and on and on.  Someone gave this gift of F3 to you, so be sure to continue to give it away.

With that being said, one reflection took the cake from a previous anny beatdown and I will post below, as IT should be the take away from this post if you are still here.



YHC decided to share why he is grateful for those that posted this morning in lieu of the regular banter.  

*Scope—Just brings the positive attitude 100.  If not, check out a twitter video post beatdown where most look beat and bruised this guy lights up the stage.

*SWFL—It's always good to have a member of the "short shorts" club, but more importantly every group needs a rabbit and this guy is that.

*Stitches—You couldn't ask for a better neighbor and guy.  He's there for anything ever needed and more, and hope he knows the feeling is mutual.

*Crabby—It's not often you find someone as sophisticated around these parts and enjoys the finer things like futbol.  It's good to have someone around on your wavelength.

*Sparrow—What can I say. The dude is triple respect and just brings it.  If there's anyone with better one liners I'd love to meet them.

*Mulligan—This dude keeps it real and sometimes that's just what you need to hear.

*Sonar—YHC's big (but younger) brother.  Always seems to be my voice of reason and enjoy him saying what needs to be said.

*Mater—Who doesn't want to be around this guy?  Just as solid as a human as can be, and he serves a pretty good spicy hotdog!

*Einhorn—This guy just wants to do work and when Q'ing you like to see that and it pushes you to bring it.

*Iron Horse—Brings the energy every time he posts.  Plus he sports a weighted vest which motivates YHC to do so more than he probably knows.

*Clark—Has been such a good sounding board for YHC not only from the start, but very much so over the past 2 years and it is truly appreciated.  His Clark-isms alone are enough to make someone want to post.

*Dr. DooLittle—Seeing this guy push himself, set goals and achieve has been awesome to watch.  Now seeing him doing it for others is even better.

Know that even if you didn't post but are reading this, you bring something with you that motivates YHC and others.



Circa 4/4/16 – Sonar's "But Ma! I don't want to get out of bed!" Q

I had a difficult time coming up with a message to focus on for my reflection when I was putting the workout together last night.  I could tell already that it was going to be one of those days that I wasn’t going to want to get out of bed.  When I woke up, I could tell I hadn’t slept well and I wasn’t looking forward to Q’ing – but I got up anyway.  Still no reflection to discuss.

I muttered my way through a few warm up exercises and a short lap around the parking lot.  Then it was time for the Thang. 

Once we began, as usual, I quickly fell behind most everyone there.  I began thinking to myself “what business do you have trying to “lead” these men when each one of them can run circles around you?” 

About a third of the way through the Thang – I realized what I needed to focus my reflection on. 

Watching everyone running the circuit, putting in the work, dealing with soreness and injuries, encouraging each other (and lapping the Q), I remembered why I get up and come to these workouts.  I stopped feeling sorry for myself, put my head down and just kept pushing through.

I remembered that I don’t come to F3 to compete with the participants.  I am part of F3 because my brothers help make me BETTER.  They help me grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

They sharpen me and I hope that in some way, I am helping to sharpen them too.

I am fortunate to be a part of this awesome group and it truly is an honor to “lead”. 

There are many men out there who need what we’ve got with F3.  We need, no I need – to be better at getting our message out there and encouraging others to join us.  



Always a pleasure to lead and be led by this fine group,
