7 years so we did stuff in 7’s

Event Date

Oct 05, 2021


I'm not one to dwell on Anniversaries, or other time-based events, so I won't.  But for those that like to count, this is 7 years of F3 for me.  I do like counting, so I planned the workout in 7's. Luckily, I got to spend my morning with the three guys that always seem to be there at Viking with me.  We push each other, have a few laughs, and usually have coffee after.  It makes for a pretty great Tuesday morning.  So this one was no different.  

We assembled just prior to 5:30, and I told Canuck that if he wanted to get his 2 miles in, he might want to run a lap, because I wasn't sure we were going to make it based on what I had planned.  Spoiler:  we did make it.  I clocked in at 2.01 miles, so that extra for him was not needed, on a day when he wasn't totally feeling it.  It will probably pay off in the long run, Canuck.

Here's what we did (in 7 spots):

1 – (7) Jog lot, Warm up in parking lot – 7 merkins after each exercise (IST, TS, LS, Squat, MC, WM, SSH
2 – (14) behind church – 14 sticky step ups each leg, 14 incline merkins IC, 14 dips IC
3 – (21) Aussie corner, 210 partner dry docks w run around small loop
4 -(28)  concession stand, wall sit with 28 air press ic
5 – (35) rocks by tennis courts, 7 burners, 7 rock squats, 7 low/high/full curl, plus a bonus 7 skull crushers — all in cadence
6 – (42) track 12 lunges each leg first corner, 10 peter parkers IC second corner, 10 parker peters IC third corner, 10 glute bridges IC last corner
7 – (49) picnic area – 21 lbc IC, 14 pretzel crunches each side (IC)
Back to launch
– Canuck was annoyed at his extra running, along with the side straddle hops.  I'll never be fully trained, just like my dog.
– Jersey took off a couple of times on us, so we either went a different way or stopped for a 7-count (usually 10, but I stuck with the theme);  he will learn to follow eventually
– Bagboy still forgets how to count sometimes.  So we all have areas for growth…
– Good COT this morning — discussion around legacy and living up to your potential, and TAP for Ruth and Bada Bing.  
– Only 3 for coffeeteria, as Canuck had to get some work done prior to a Chapel Hill visit later this AM.  Still good coffee and conversation.
Thanks men – I appreciate your coming out this morning.  SYITG