The fog was thick, but that did not stop Rentacop, Loveshack, and Honeymoon from tackling #thestandard for a soupy run of several miles.  Then, 8 more men cut through the fartsack AND the fog, to gather at our beloved yard of bricks, also known as The Brickyard.  Cupcake, serving diligently as Master Q for this location for a year, handed down orders that this post, due to its date, should have the significance of the 75th year since Pearl Harbor, YHC responded in kind.  Here is the story.

Warmups (IC): SSH 15, Imperial Storm Squats (ISS) 15, CP's 15, MC's 15, CDD's 15

The Thang: Mozy to back, the 'actual' brickyard, gather two (2) large bricks/man, circle up.

All IC- Curls 15, 5 burpees, Mil Presses 15, 4 burpees, Skull Crushers 15, 3 burpees, Arm Raises 15, 2 burpees, Bent over rows 15, 1 burpee–lap the building. Repeato x4 with following modifications–Arm Raises were done single count for the last 4 rounds, running was to bottom of hill, quad up, run back to save time, last round of burpees were done PRIOR to the excercise, allowing us to return the bricks after the last set of rows.

COT-Lear led us in the Pledge, Mary was given a rest today.


-We remembered all the soldiers at Pearl Harbor back in 1941, as well as those that have served before and since when we were around our beloved Old Glory.

-Let's see each other out tonight for Honeymoon's farewell at Salty Caper launching at 7!

-When Cupcake suggested we work 75 into the Q, it was a given, but 'how' to do it.  YHC hopes the pax wasn't too taxed, but rememberence through pain is something that makes us all better.

-Those 'arm raises'.  IC were too much, so they were modified to single counts, humbly.  Still, a GREAT shoulder shred.

-Lots of #mumblechatter, and even some calling out of modification.  YHC feels 'modification' is part of ANY post.  YHC does it all too frequently, knows that others do it as well, and feel that is a perfectly acceptable methodology when posting.  Surely, the pax member is modifying LESS than a fartsacker, and I rest my case your honor.

-Cadence was quick, too quick, but IF you add up all the reps, we got in….75 warm up reps, 75 curls, mil presses, skull crushers, arm raises, rows, AND BURPEES!  (do you see what YCD did there??).  Coincidently, outside the burpees, there were 75 reps in each round as well;-)

-Exceptional Coffeeteria with Chief, Lear, and The venerable Senator.  Topics of health, DNA, nutrition, and DOCTOR VISITS were discussed.  Kudos to The Senator on his low blood pressure!

-Mr. Cupcake, thanks kindly for the chance to lead. 

-Don't forget F3RaceCity's Christmas party at Cupcake's this Sat. night!