7th Anniversary Tour de Race City



The Thang

Two strong virile Pax pushed each other hard in the parking lot of Hope Park; or so us runners imagined. For all we know they were playing air patty-cake from 6 feet part.

Meanwhile, Nine Pax decided to take a 45 minute tour, which included four of the six Race City AO's, in honor of the Seventh Anniversary of #F3RCUSA. We strolled north, then along 150 to get a distant glimpse of Panera Bread (home of The Friday's Intimidator and Fight Club…but not coffee) from across the street so as not to lose any Pax playing Frogger. Next was a saunter on Williamson Road, down the "Old Jet Hill" and through the Race Park to pass  The Brickyard (Wednesday's AO; formerly Trackscan; formerly PAC Race Springs … do they still have bricks?) and out Rolling Hill Rd to Brawley School Rd. Once on Brawley we sucked heavily on the moist morning air searching for oxygen like a COVID-19 patient on a respirator while trying to climb the longest hill in Mooresville (unofficially but it sounds good, unlike YHC who was worrying Deadpool at this point with my wheezing) up to The Rock (Tuesdays's longtime home by The Salty Caper AND The Charlotte Running Co.). Finally we heading back to Hope Park for Thursday's home base to meet nearby, but not immediately proximate to, the non-running group of 2 which kept "Wheels" pax officially below 10, unofficially.


Keeping appropriate social distance, we thanked our One True Father for another opprotunity to go out and sharpen iron together.

We prayed for Cheex Whiz & family. 

We reminded the Pax that Saturday is the 7th Anniversary celebration for F3 Race City. 0700 at Stumpy Creek Park. Chief, please arrive timely to unlock the gate. Word is all three founding members will be there. We'll see.

It is always an honor to lead you men.