FNG 1 – Walkie Talkie

FNG 2 – Coin Toss

A number of 2.0’s also in attendance

It was that most wonderful time of year again.  Another year has come and gone and it was time to make the cookies.  A number of pax start asking around October if I will be doing cookies again.  This year the total made was 6,778.   a large number of those get plated up and delivered to neighbors and friends.  About 800 of those make their way to the Cookie Q.

We ran the cookie course as previous years and then made our way to the tables for coffee and cookies.

It was another great year for receiving donations for Operation Sweet Tooth.  A total of $423 was received.  Thank you to all that donated.  Don’t forget to sign up for the 5th Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K or 2 mile walk.  Saturday, March 16th, 2024 at 8am – Grand Oak Elementary.

As we go through this time of year please think of those struggling with things in life.  This is always a hard time for some.  Whatever the burden may be it is always best to talk to someone and release the emotions.  There is a large brotherhood that is F3 and we are there for one another.  Be a shoulder to lean on, and an ear to listen to. 

Thank you to all that showed up and look forward to this event.  Wishing all a very Merry Christmas and the best as we head into 2024!!

