7×7…. Almost

Event Date

Jul 15, 2021


7×7 (almost)


8 PAX met in the gloom at LFC and put their trust in me this morning


Nacho Libre and Red October asserted their dominance early by draping a weighted vest over their shoulders as they walked up.


5:30 hit and we took off to do the following:




  • Serpentine pattern through the parking lot including high knees, butt kickers, and side shuffles
  • Stop at the pull up bars for a quick disclaimer
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Long snapper x 10 IC


The Thang: 7×7


Using the 4 corners of the parking lot as stopping points we did the following


  • Round 1: 7 burpees at each corner
  • Round 2: 14 Carolina Dry Docks each corner
  • Round 3: 21 Squats each corner
  • Round 4: 28 Bonnie Blair’s each corner (each leg counts as 1)
  • Round 5: 35 mericans at each corner
  • Round 6: 42 (21 IC) low flutters at each corner
  • Round 7: we didn’t have time but it would have been 49 LBCs at each corner
  • After each lap 7 pull ups on the bars


Mosey back to launch


Recover recover


Name o Rama






  • Nacho and Red O crushed it with their vests on
  • Happy birthday to Hat Trick and belated birthday to Nacho Libre
  • Great work by Jedi to keep us moving by pushing up front
  • All in all great work by all PAX, mumble chatter got less and less as we went on so I must have been doing something right?
  • Thanks Hasselhoff for the chance to lead sign up to Q Samson it’s a great AO!


Until next time……. Mr Holland