8 miler OTB as HH Training Continues (yes – there was a PB, F3 Counts AND now a BB)

Event Date

Oct 08, 2022


The HH training continues, and as we add 1 mile each week, this week it was time to get 8.  YHC was excited, but all of us were a bit skeered as well.  Tammy Faye, Tuffy and YHC have been training together, but when Mulligan saw my PB the day before, he was waiting on us upon our arrival at NY Bagel.

YHC hit happy hour at Lowe's Foods the night before, stayed longer than I shoulda, then home for a small salad followed by cocktails at my evil neighbor's house (Happy Gilmore).  Yada, yada, yada YHC did feel great waking up, then felt even worse when I remembered I was supposed to map out the 8 mile route for the run!

So here's what NOT to do when planning a run:  Do NOT drive the potential route clocking it in your vehicle.  It will only give you a horrifying visual for just how far 8 miles really is.  YIKES.  But that's what YHC did, and then we ran it.  Mulligan helped me add about a half mile or so toward the end to get it just right.

9:45 pace, I believe.  Was a great start to a Saturday.  Enjoyed breakfast and coffee with many of The Estate guys after the mosey.

9 miles coming up this weekend…  Oh boy.