8 PAX “Banded” Together at a Cold and Soggy Bedrock

Event Date

Jan 06, 2024


The Rubberband Man – Spinners 1976

This morning at Bedrock was a perfect illustration of not letting uncomformtable circumstances like cold rain keep you away from your fellow PAX.

8 strong and determined savages did not let the elements keep them from advancing their fitness levels this morning. YHC was confident that it would not be a sad-clown workout after a brief conversation with Chilly Willy about his hard-commit for Bedrock knowing the less than optimal weather conditions. Not only did Chilly show up and hold his commitment, he crushed 4 miles on the track in advance of the workout – all during a significant and cold rainfall. Strong Chilly! YHC also grateful for an advance text from Airstream that he would be bringing rubber bands as an option to use under the many dry shelters found at Baily Road Park. Airstream provided a much needed and appreciated 10 minute band workout which included rowing and other pull exercises for our often overlooked back strength. Fantastic and very challenging work can be done with simple resistence bands – noted!

Everyone at Bedrock this AM gets Q credit as we rotated various exercises underneath the Pavillion with each PAX having multiple opportunities to lead.

Welcome Mark – our newest FNG making his second post this morning. Mark has been in the US for 20 years and is originally from Berlin. Please say hi to him the next time you see him at an AO. Mark spent a lot of time traveling the US, hence his nickname of “Tumbleweed”!

Prayers offered up for Moses’ dad and stepmom as they transition to assisted living facilities in FL and also his niece anticipates the delivery of a baby boy today. Airstream’s 40 year old newphew was also lifted up as he is facing colon cancer.

It’s morning like this that make it all worthwhile to get after it hard in the morning as you never know what might be awaiting in the gloom and how you might be support for your fellow PAX. Honored to be with each of you this AM.

Humbly in Christ

Announcement Links below

Men In Pink March 16th

Christina Latini Memorial 8k March 16th

Links To Other Notable Events Later in 2024 to Consider

Take That Hill October 5th

Kiawah Island Triathlon October 6th

JFK 50 Mile Ultra November 23rd

Bourbon Chase 200 mile Relay October 4-5th