8 Pax for a Rainy Greenway Exploration

Event Date

Aug 07, 2017

8 Pax Explored the Greenway…

Also in attendance not registered on the website:  Breakfast Club, Duckey, and Captain Shirley

As I awoke to the sound of rain this morning, I quickly had to come up with another workout that would allow us to stay dry, relatively speaking.  When I arrived to the Sword this morning at 5:23, the rain had all but stopped.  So I was caught in a dilemma, should I go back to my original beatdown, or use the audible I created this morning.  Then Qbert chimed in and said we can go on the greenway since there were no dogs.  Apparently Baxter takes days off when Bam Bam isn’t working out.  That sounded good, so we were off to the greenway to do a version of the “Fishbone” I learned about from a MECA beatdown.  Here’s our story or what I can remember about it…


Mosey to the road

SSH (IC) x 20

IST (IC) x 15

Cotton Pickers (IC) x 15

Toy Soldiers (IC) x 10

The Thang:

The theme of the workout was running with “tolls” to cross any bridges or major intersections along the way.  So the first major intersection was Gilead.  We “owed” 10 – Burpees.  Run to the greenway entrance and do 20 single leg lunges and 15 Dercans on the railing.  Run to the next bridge.  At each bridge or intersection we did several exercises.  They consisted of:

Burpees – 10, 10, 5, 5

CDD – 25, 20, 20

Mercans – 20, 20, 20

Squats – 30, 30

Bear Crawl across the long bridge (1/2 way)

Incline Mercans – 15 IC, 15 IC

Decline Mercans – 15 IC

Low Flutters – 20 IC

Lunges  – 20 (10 each leg)

I’m sure I messed up the counts and exercises, but it’s the best I can remember.  All I know is I was spent as we headed up to the covered area for some Mary.


Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC

LBC x 20 IC

J-Lo x 10 IC

Freddie Mercury x 20 IC


Recover, recover…


Great work by all today.  I wasn’t sure how many would show with the rainy weather, but was pleasantly surprised to see the lights rolling in.  Thanks to Qbert for the greenway idea.  So many options out there, definitely going to have to incorporate this one again.  A lot of new faces out there today.  Breakfast Club and Duckey, you guys were in beast mode.  Didn’t even look like you were breathing hard.  Duckey even signed up to Q The Sword next week for his VQ!  Vandelay stepped up to Q the following week 8/21.  Great momentum at the Sword for some VQ’s!  Let’s all make sure to come and “support” them as they find their way.  Qbert was in his typical form and was fast as usual.  Scud always great seeing you out there.  Always first in the parking lot patiently waiting for the rest of us to show.  Brady and Captain Shirley weren’t showing any signs of fatigue.  If I had any breath left, I would have tried to push us more.  Someone said we hit around 2.2 miles in between all the pain stations.  What a great way to start the week.  You guys showing up keeps me motivated.  Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.  Until next time, see you in da’ gloom…