8 slimy swimmers

Event Date

Jun 15, 2024


Special thanks to Macbeth for allowing us to use his dock for launch even being DR. 

When we got there around 6:30 Kosar and Bagboy had already done one out and back to the bouy. Strong showing from those 2. Bagboy went on to ruck and Kosar forgot his biking shoes so headed home to do a ride solo. 

Dingo being a first timer had a strong showing leading the PAX home. Way to go, glad to have you with us. 

Blackbeard also out for the first time looked like a grizzled vet, although he always looks a bit grizzled. 

Caesar, Shaken, and myself did our usual swim but feeling stronger each week. 

Riverboat showed a few minutes late but that didn’t stop him, he jumped right in and caught up in no time.

Shaken, Riverboat, and TF headed out on bikes for about 16 miles followed by a run of just over 1 mile run. 

Great work by everyone there today, always great to be with you all and appreciate the encouragement and fellowship that comes with sharing in this with you all.