8 Year F3versary

FNG-1 is by no means an FNG. Rather a 2.0; “Messi” of the Tweetsie clan (or is that spelled “Messy?”)15 men emerged from the gloom to better themselves, but didn’t know what to expect. Most were there the entire time. Some caught up later (Titan). Others left us and came back (Stromboli). Everyone got their money’s worth.We ran an 800-meter loop, 8 times in a figure 8 (see Strava). Some loops were fast, some 2ndF-ish, some reverse-direction, all a challenge. We stopped only to regroup and do 8-repetition exercises varying after each loop.SSH x8icWindmill x8icToy Soldier x8icMericans x8icReverse Lunge x8icDips x8ic REPEATOBurpees x8LBCs x8icPretzel Crunch x8ic (ea side)8 years sounds like a long time, but it feels so fast. A lot has happened in this time (Bootcamps, GoRucks, Relays, Mud Runs). But, what I take with me daily is the accountability, camaraderie, and challenge to be a better man physically, emotionally and spiritually. Thank you to all who have helped me with that. Some of you know who you are. Some of you have no idea. Either way, Thanks and keep fighting the good fight as you have pressed me to do. See you in the gloom.